Our Top 5 Tips for Getting on Track with Running

October 12, 2021

Everyone can run.

‘Being a runner’ is mostly a question of stamina and style rather than the actual ability to do it – after all, the capacity to run away from predators and towards prey was fairly fundamental to the development of us homosapiens.

Accepting that there is, indeed, a runner in all of us, let’s look at a few tips to get started on what might just be your new favourite thing. Your body will thank you for it – although it may not initially feel that way!

  1. Make sure you choose the right shoes

Perhaps a fairly basic point, but we suggest that you invest in the right pair of running shoes. Part of your decision making process should be a familiarisation with the features of the footwear and what each individual element is designed to do. From the saddle to the toe box, do a bit of research on what to consider. Fit and comfort for your feet and your particular stride is also super-important so a test run is highly advised, something that should be available even if purchasing on-line.

  1. Consider a running buddy or a club

It’s a well known fact that we all tend to stay just that little bit more committed if we participate in something with others. For some it may be that the social aspect of being part of a team adds that extra aspect to the enjoyment, for others it may be the peer pressure that gets us out of the front door on those dark and chilly winter mornings.

  1. Remember that rest days and walk breaks     are a thing

Don’t ever feel like it’s a full marathon - every day or nothing. Rest days are an essential part of your body’s healing and regeneration process and, when planned in the right way, can make you stronger and stronger. Similarly, slowing down the pace to a walk in between ‘running spurts’ can help your body to make small adaptations which can strengthen your feet, knees, and hips.

  1. Make distance your focus rather than     time

Those who focus solely on speed tend to lose sight of how their body is actually feeling. Changing the variables of distance and speed simultaneously also makes it difficult to ascertain which parts worked well for you and which… well, weren’t so good. You want to find an effort level which allows efficient recovery whilst keeping you highly motivated to run again. It’s best to finish your run with a feeling that you could have gone that little bit further if you’d chosen to.

  1. Find out what works for you

Those who get the most from running find that it becomes part of their everyday life. More importantly, it feels much less of a chore. Have a good think about what might work best for you and how you could incorporate your run into your daily schedule, rather than trying to squeeze it in when all other commitments have been met. There might be a particularly goodtime, place or even a ritual that increases your chances of getting your daily workout.


If you are just starting out on your running journey then get in touch and we’ll support you in making it a sustainable, rewarding way to maintain a healthy body and mind.