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How Can Your Personal Trainer Help With Nutrition?

November 8, 2021

Good nutrition plays a very important part in any fitness plan as it can help clients reach their fitness-related goals.

It is however essential that nutritional advice is not confused with the prescription of particular diet as that is an entirely different matter and falls outside of the boundary within which Personal Trainers must operate.

Understanding role responsibilities

In a previous blog I spoke about the fact that a reputable Personal Trainer should not, and will not, overstep the mark when it comes to the bordering areas of medicine. This includes the role of the Dietician.

A Dietician a person whose job is to advise people on what kind of food they should eat to keep healthy. Usually degree-qualified, this is a professional who has undergone extensive study and training.

Understanding the law

The term Dietician is protected by law in the UK which means that only those who have gained the relevant qualifications and are registered with the Health Care Professionals Council can use it to describe themselves and the job they do. The law also states that only registered dieticians can medically prescribe nutrition plans.

Understanding the importance of eating well

With all of the above in mind, an experienced Personal Trainer can still assist with the provision of invaluable food-related information to maximise your chances of reaching your personal fitness goals. 

He or she can do this by a number of means, including: -

  • Giving guidance on calorie quantities in relation to your training schedule
  • Advising on portion size and the proportion of vitamins and minerals to include
  • Suggesting healthier alternatives to ‘bad’ foods and healthier preparation tips
  • Educating on the benefits of healthy eating and the inclusion of good vitamin intake
  • Sharing the scientifically-backed resources of professional authorities for further reading

In my 15 years as a personal trainer I have seen the real difference that a good nutritional plan, backed up by regular client ‘check-ins’ can make to success rates. It is my job to provide every element of support to get my clients to their ultimate goal and understanding the fine balance of training and nutrition is a key part of that. 

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